Who am I?

Card image

Céline Jost

Assistant Professor in Computer Science and Human‑Technology Interaction
DBLP, Google Scholar, ResearchGate, LinkedIn, Viadeo, Twitter, YouTube


Laboratory CHArt - EA 4004

CHArt is an interdisciplinary laboratory. It aims at studying artificial and natural cognitive systems and their pragmatic and semantic interactions. Research cover the following fields: human behavior (learning, decision), digital technologies, and interactions between people and environment

My main topics are:

  • Multisensory interaction
  • Natural interaction
  • Individualized interaction
  • Interaction paradigm
  • Evaluation methods
  • Cognitive ergonomics
  • Cognitive stimulation
  • Disabilities
  • Education
  • Mulsemedia
  • Artificial companion
  • Serious game
Logo de CHArt
Logo de THIM


Université Paris 8
Department: Engineering, Cognition, Disability

The ICH department aims at teaching computer sciences applied to disabilities. I deliver courses in Master MIASHS.

My main pedagogical approaches and tools are:

  • Practical exercises
  • Differentiated learning
  • Flipped classroom
  • Projects
  • Presentation
  • Mentoring


University Paris 8 - UFR eriTES - D301
2 rue de la Liberte
93526 Saint-Denis, France
+33 149 40 73 10
Mail : celine.jost(AT)univ-paris8.fr

Logo de Paris 8

This is the only page in English.
I do my best to offer you an English version as soon as possible.
In the meantime, you can find more details in English here -> PDF Curriculum Vitae (version: 2024/04/17)